The CIMA Qualification

The CIMA Syllabus

How to study CIMA by Distance Learning

Entry Requirements


Sitting Exams

Exam Centres

Exam Entry & Timetable

Practical Experience

Continuing Professional Development

Fees & Important Dates

Payment Options

Ready to Sign Up?

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Form

Contact CIMA

Fees, dates and deadlines

Those wishing to join the CIMA program as new students can do so at any time. To register as a CIMA student you must pay Tuition fees, a non-refundable registration fee, plus an annual subscription fee. In the event that you are not accepted by CIMA as a prospective student your subscription fee and Tuition fee will be refunded.

A typical joining payment for new students would be calculated as follows

Tuition Fee for first Foundation Level per paper


Non-refundable Registration Fees (Once only) £41
Non-refundable Annual Subscription £68


Exemption Fees (if granted by CIMA) to be paid later
Examination Fees (see below) to be paid later

Please note, MCG will refund Tuition fees if you are not accepted by CIMA as a student. Tuition fees may be paid on a paper by paper basis.

Registration fees

If you register on, or after, 1 September, the subscription fee is valid until 31 December the following year.


If you do not pay the annual subscription fee each year, you will no longer be a registered student. You will then have to re-register if you want to continue with your studies. To do this you will have to pay a re-registration, the fee for the current year’s annual subscription and the annual subscription for the year that your registration ended together with any other outstanding fees.

Exemption fees

You do not need to send your exemption fees with your student registration form. If exemptions are confirmed, details of the required payment will be sent to you.

Exam fees

Entering the exams is a separate process. You will be sent an exam entry form shortly after registration.

Check the current charges by viewing the full list of fees below.

List of fees

All fees apply from 1 January to 31 December 2003

Student registration and subscription fees -
Registration (non-refundable) £41
Annual subscription £68
Re-registration £41

Exemption fees - (if granted by CIMA)

Per Foundation level paper £35
Per Intermediate level paper £40
Per Final level paper £45

Exam fees -

Per Foundation level paper £35
Per Intermediate level paper £40
Per Final level paper £45
Late entry £125
Very late entry £250

Members -

Annual subscription (associateship) £155
Annual subscription (fellowship) £165
Annual subscription (retired members) £31
Grade transfer (from associateship to fellowship) £41
Passed finalists -
Annual subscription (for first three years) £127
Annual subscription (after three years) £155
Re-admission (if your registration has ended) £55
Application for fellowship £82
Application for associateship £78
Time barred returnees additional fees £110


Tuition Fees Payable to MCG --Click here--

Dates and deadlines

31st January Registration deadlines for new students for the May exams
1st March Closing date for exam entry form for May exams
18th March Late entry exam form for May exams (a fee will be charged for late entries)
3rd Week of May May exams
31st July Deadline for receipt of student registration forms and exemption applications if applying for the November exams
3rd Week of July Despatch of exam results for May exams
1st September Deadline for receipt of exam entry form, and last date for direct debit notification. If registering after this date, the following year's annual subscription is payable. This covers you from the date you register until the end of the following year
18th September Late entry exam form for November exams (a fee will be charged for late entries)
3rd Week of November November exams
3rd Week of January Despatch of exam results for November exams