The CIMA Qualification

The CIMA Syllabus

How to study CIMA by Distance Learning

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How to study CIMA by Distance Learning

Studying by Distance learning means that you do not have to attend classes. The only attendance required will be to sit the exams and even these can usually be arranged near to where you are living. We acknowledge that distance learning requires a lot of self discipline, but we will do everything we can to help you succeed, and to make CIMA an enjoyable and stimulating experience. You will be in control of the schedule for when and where you study. You can work as long and as hard as you need to and take breaks to accommodate holidays, family, personal and professional work commitments.

Qualifying through CIMA is a straight forward and highly flexible process. The study material will be sent to you and you will be able to learn and revise at your own pace from your home or office. You have the opportunity to send written assignments to experienced tutors for their comments to check your understanding of the study material and you can also schedule your exams to suit your circumstances.


When studying by distance learning, you will be provided with the following material and support:

  • Text book and exam kit for each subject.

  • Personal Mentor support.

  • Telephone / email / fax help-line.

  • Pocket sized revision notes.

  • Audiovisual lectures with supporting notes and study material.(Optional)

CIMA offer a range of services to support you during your study and exams:

Web resources:

  • Once registered, students can access the CIMA Student website. This includes access to pilot exam papers, materials to support the Final level Case Study, student discussion groups, examiners' reports and past questions and answers. If you register your email address, you can be sent free news updates and information.

  • Twice a year CIMA run 'email a tutor' events, when students can send questions to experienced CIMA tutors.

Published resources :

  • A copy of CIMA Insider, the free monthly publication for students, will be sent each month giving up-to-date exam notices and information about student support projects. An online archive of useful articles can also be accessed.

CIMA Publishing produce a range of support materials :

  • CIMA Study Systems textbooks to support each exam paper.

  • Kit and workbooks with questions and suggested answers to support specific areas of the syllabus.

You do not have to be in employment to be accepted to study for CIMA and undertaking on-the-job training alongside your study may seem like a difficult task, but in practice this helps you relate your studies to real-life situations. CIMA work with employers to try to ensure that they will offer additional support in order to make the combination of studying and training as cohesive and rewarding as possible.

Tuition Fees Payable to us ---Click here---