How to study CIMA by Distance Learning |
Entering the exams is a separate process. You will be sent an exam entry form shortly after registration. Most students have a number of commitments, so the CIMA training and examination process has been designed to be as flexible as possible. The pass mark is 50% and there is no limit to the number of times you can re-sit a failed exam, however exam fees will have to be paid each time. You can chose when to take your exams, and there is no time limit within which you must finish them all. You can sit between one and six papers from the Foundation and Intermediate levels (subject to some progression rules) at any single exam sitting. You must complete the Foundation and Intermediate levels before you can sit exams for the Final level. The first time you sit the Final level exams you must take the three management accounting strategy papers at the same exam sitting. You can choose to sit the case study exam at the same time, or at a later sitting. CIMA hold exams twice a year, in May and November of each year. If you plan to take your first exam in May, you must register as a new student by 31 January of that year. If you plan to take your first exam in November, you must register as a new student by 31 July of that year. |