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Exemption & Registration

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ABE by Distance Learning

How to Join ABE


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How to join ABE  

Step 1: First decide which programme you wish to study

The ABE - Business Administration Programme

(Certificate, Diploma Part 1 and Part 2, Advanced Diploma)  


The ABE - Business Information Systems Programme

(Diploma Part 1 and Part 2, Advanced Diploma)  


The ABE - Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Programme

(Certificate, Diploma Part 1 and Part 2, Advanced Diploma)

Step 2: Check the entry qualifications to determine the correct level of study.  

i.e. Certificate or Diploma or Advanced Diploma

Attach and send your detailed CV / Resume ---here--- if you are not sure as to your entry level and need advice. Please ensure you tell us the programme you wish to study ie Business Administration (BA) or Business Information Systems (BIS) or Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (TTH)

Note - Acceptance onto the programme and exemptions granted is at the sole discretion of ABE.

Step 3 : There are no exemptions from subjects in the Certificate or the Advanced Diploma programmes but if you are applying to join at Diploma level, and have already studied similar subjects, you may be eligible for some exemptions.  Send an email to ABE Registrar if you have query regarding registration and exemption. 

Compare your current qualifications with the subjects being offered by ABE at Diploma Level and if you find that you have already covered some of the subjects, then you may request exemptions from ABE. You can do this on the Registration form. ABE will consider your request and advise you of their decision.

Step 4 : Complete the appropriate sections of the Registration Form, then print it, sign it, attach copies of all relevant documents to support your application and send the complete set to ABE at the following address :

The Registrar  

The Association of Business Executives

William House, 14 Worple Road


London SW19 4DD

U. K.

Tel :  0044 – (0)20 – 8879 - 1973

Fax : 0044 – (0)20 – 8946 - 7153

Tell us ---here--- [new window] which programme you have applied to join and the units you would like to start studying by distance learning through MCG and we will respond to you personally.

Note: ABE do not currently accept electronic forms or payment (except Credit Card)

Please follow the simple instructions, given below, for using the Registration Form (new window)

Saving the Form

Each form is provided in Rich Text Format (RTF). RTF is used because these types of file can be opened and edited in most word processing programs.

Note: These instructions may vary slightly according to the operating system and web browser being used.

  1. PC Users: right click on the download link until a menu appears
    Mac Users: click and hold on the download link until a menu appears

  2. From the menu select 'Save Target As' or 'Save Link As'

  3. A box will appear enabling you to select a location on your computer to save the file to. Select an appropriate location and then click 'Ok'

Another box will appear with information about how long the download will take and indicating the download progress.

Editing the Form

Once the download is complete:

  1. Open the form with your usual word processor

Please try to fill in as much of the form as possible using your word processing package as it will enable our staff to get to work on them much more quickly.

Printing and Completing the Form

Once you have completed typing all the on-screen information:

  1. Print out the form

  2. Ensure that the form is signed where indicated

  3. If paying by credit card please ensure that the credit card payment form is correctly filled out and signed

If you are using someone else's credit card to make your payment, please ensure that BOTH the student's and cardholder's signatures are completed.

Sending the Form

Please send the completed form along with all relevant documents to support your application to:

Ms Patricia Gamwell
The Registrar
Association of Business Executives
William House
14 Worple Road
SW19 4DD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 8879 8155


Inform us---here--- [new window] of your application and the programme you have applied to join.