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The current President of the Association of Business Executives is Dr.Edward De Bono the distinguished author, educationist, pioneer of lateral thinking and one of the foremost management thinkers of our time. He is the founder and director of the Cognitive Research Trust which is developing thinking as a curriculum subject in schools, he is also director of the Centre for the Study of Thinking.

About ABE

The Association of Business Executives was founded in 1973 by a group of industrialists, educationalists and politicians as a non-profit making institution. The aim of the Association is the promotion and advancement of efficient administration and management within industry, commerce and the public service by the continued development and study of the practice of administration and management. The primary objective of the Association is that those who graduate through the successful completion of ABE Certificate and Diploma level examinations will be more effective managers.

The Association is unique among professional bodies in providing a general business education to practicing and aspiring managers and executives, as well as a route to further study onto MBA programmes. ABE membership is not restricted to UK residents and examinations are conducted internationally. The Association endeavours to achieve its aims and objectives by insisting on high academic and professional qualifications and appropriate practical experience before gaining full Membership. The Association maintains close liaison with other professional organisations working in allied fields and disseminates information about administration and management in the journal “Business Executive” which is issued free to all members.