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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ABE?

The Association of Business Executives is a professional body established in 1973 with the primary objective that holders of the ABE qualifications will be more effective managers in business and public administration. The ABE offers a Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Business Administration, Business Information Systems, and Tourism, Travel & Hospitality giving a cost-effective route to first degrees and MBAs.

Why ABE?

The ABE qualifications are recognised by Universities in many countries for entry to the second or final year of a degree. Those with industrial experience may gain entry to a Masters programme (subject to each University's additional entry requirements). Holders of the ABE Diploma can gain entry to the second year of a degree, and Advanced Diploma holders can gain entry to the final year of a degree. The courses are run by Distance learning or in colleges worldwide and students can therefore study in their own country, eliminating the high cost of studying and living in the UK.

How do I study for the ABE qualifications?

ABE has over 180 accredited colleges worldwide. A list is available from the ABE office. You can either register through one of these colleges or apply direct to the ABE office. MCG is an approved college which offers ABE studied to students in any country by Supported Distance Learning.

What qualifications do I need to join ABE?

Certificate Level

No formal qualifications are required but proof of competence in the English language is a requirement.

Diploma Level

The ABE Certificate or two 'A' Levels or equivalent qualification or two years' relevant work experience supportted by an employer's reference.

Advanced Diploma

The ABE Diploma or equivalent qualification.

Can I study for ABE qualifications by Distance Learning?

Yes, students who are not near to one of the approved colleges or who are not able to attend classes can study in their own time from any location through MCG. 

Click --- here --- for details.

What is the Annual Subscription?

To sit the examinations of the Association you are required to be a student member and your membership must be kept up to date during the time you are studying and sitting examinations. The initial registration fee with the Association includes the first year's annual subscription. At the end of the first year notice will be sent to you to renew your membership of the Association by payment of the annual subscription.

Am I eligible for any Exemptions from the ABE Examinations?

If you hold a qualification from another professional body or a University, which is very similar in content and level to the ABE qualification, you could qualify for exemption from some of the ABE Diploma examinations. (There are no exemptions from the Certificate or Advanced Diploma levels.) Please forward a copy of your qualification to the Registrar who will be able to advise you further.

If you are granted any exemptions, you will be asked to pay an exemption fee of £25 for each subject.

How often are ABE examinations held?

Examinations are held worldwide twice a year normally in June and December. Results are usually sent out approximately ten weeks after the examinations are held.

How do I register and where do I sit my Examinations?

The examinations are held in countries worldwide through Ministries of Education or the British Council.
To register for the ABE examinations complete and return your examination entry form and fees either to your college or direct to the ABE Office in London. Please ensure that your annual subscription is up to date when you enter for the examinations.


What if there is no college teaching the ABE in my country and I am following a Distance Learning or self study route? Where can I sit for my examinations?

You should notify the Examinations Manager in London confirming where you would like to sit your examinations and we will endeavour to make arrangements for you.

How many subjects can I sit at one examination session?

It is recommended that you enter for no more than five subjects at any one examination session. Subjects within each qualification can be taken in any order.

I have one subject left at the Certificate Level - Can I start sitting my Diploma Examinations?

If you have passed three out of the four subjects at Certificate level, you can proceed to the Diploma examinations. However, you must pass the outstanding subject as soon as possible and will not be awarded the Diploma until you have completed the ABE Certificate.

Is there a time limit for sitting ABE Examinations?

There is no time limit for the ABE qualifications - the only requirement is that membership of the Association must be kept up to date by payment of the annual subscription.

Does ABE award a certificate for each unit studied?

ABE does not award a certificate for each unit successfully completed. The result slip however indicates grades obtained for each of the units. A certificate is awarded on successful completion of a full stage.


My friends have received their Examination Results/Awards but I have not received mine?

Have you changed your address and not advised the ABE? Is your membership still up to date by payment of the annual subscription? If your membership has lapsed, you will not receive your examination results or awards until the arrears have been paid.

A reminder letter will be sent to you.

How do I become an Associate/Member/Fellow of ABE?

Associate Membership of ABE is offered to all holders of the Diploma/Advanced Diploma of the Association. The application form is issued with the Diploma/Advanced Diploma.

Membership is offered to holders of the Diploma who can provide evidence of four years' work experience at managerial level and holders of the Advanced Diploma who can provide evidence of two years' work experience at managerial level. The Fellowship Council considers these applications. All applicants must be 30 years or over and have met the requirements of the Council of the Association in the academic/industrial work place. 

Is there a branch of the Association in my country?

The Association is currently considering alumni groups in several countries - if you are interested in pursuing this, please contact the Registrar at the ABE Office in London.

What is 'Business Executive'?

'Business Executive' is the journal of the Association of Business Executives which is published in April and October and sent to all members free of charge.

Why am I not receiving my journal Business Executive?

Have you changed your address and not advised the ABE? Have you paid your annual subscription? If your membership has lapsed, you will not be sent the journal.