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Exemption & Registration

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Students wishing to register with the Association should download and complete the registration form below and submit it to either ABE or MCG together with appropriate fees, copies of educational qualifications (in English) and evidence of relevant working experience where necessary.

All prospective students must enroll with ABE at the commencement of their studies in order that any exemptions may be confirmed at that time.


If you hold a qualification from another professional body or a University, which is very similar in content and level to the ABE qualification, you could qualify for exemption from some of the ABE Diploma examinations. (There are no exemptions from the Certificate or Advanced Diploma levels.) Please forward a copy of your qualification to the Registrar who will be able to advise you further.

Exemption applications (See Registration Form) must be supported by documentary evidence (in English) for assessment. Any exemptions granted will be confirmed in writing, together with details of the exemption fee due.

Exemptions from Diploma subjects may be granted to holders of qualifications of certain other professional bodies, provided always that such qualifications have been obtained by external examination.

IMIS Diploma holders may check ---here--- for exemptions which are permitted by ABE.

No exemption will be granted from any subject previously failed in the examinations of the Association.

Exemptions are granted only at the discretion of ABE.

ABE Registration and Examination Deadlines 

Students can register with ABE at any time however there are certain deadlines for sitting examinations :

Registration (new members):

First Friday in September for December Examinations

First Friday in March for June Examinations

Important Dates to remember for students who wish to sit for the May 2004 examinations:


Friday 5th March 2004 Registration closing date for new members
Friday 2nd April 2004 Examination closing date.
Entries received after this date will be charged an extra GBP10.00 per subject
Friday 9th April 2004 Final Examination closing date
Entries received after this date will be rejected and returned together with fees
Early May 2004 Case Studies posted on the web and despatched to students (will also be available on the website here).[new window]
Early May 2004 Notification Slips despatched to all students
3rd May 2004 Closing date for transfers
24th - 28th May 2004 Examinations take place
14th June 2004 Final date for receipt of medical transfers
Early-Mid August 2004 Results will be released
29th November - 3rd December 2004 December 2004 Examinations

Examination entries which are received one week after the stated deadline will incur late entry fees of an additional £10 per subject. 

Entries received two weeks after the stated examination registration deadline will be rejected and returned by ABE.  

Annual subscriptions fall due on the anniversary of the date of registration. An invoice will be sent direct to every student.

Students should be aware of the closing dates for registration and examinations as these are strictly adhered to. These dates are given below.

Registration Form

Click here to down load the Registration form