AAT Qualification

Why become an Accounting Technician

Entry Requirements

Structure of the Education & Training Scheme



How to Start

How to Study with MCG

AAT Membership Requirements



It is intended to update these pages regularly with different discussion topics. If you would like the AAT to cover a particular aspect of being a Student (eg. Applications, The AAT's Education and Training Scheme, etc) then please email us and let us know.

Q. What is the AAT?

A. The professional body for Accounting Technicians, with approximately 98,000 Members and Students worldwide.

Q. What is an Accounting Technician?

A. Accounting Technicians are skilled accounting staff working in all areas of finance and business. They work in all employment sectors - industry and commerce, public sector and accountancy practice. Accounting Technicians may also be self-employed.

Q. What is an NVQ?

A. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) were set up by the British government as a measure of training in a range of occupations, including accounting. They are designed to provide training which is practical as well as ensuring that Students have the underpinning knowledge they need to work effectively in their chosen occupation. The AAT is accredited by the government's Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) to award NVQs in Accounting at Levels 2, 3 and 4 and by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to award Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in Accounting at the same levels.

Q. What are the benefits of training for an NVQ with the AAT?

A. The benefits of training for an NVQ with the AAT for the individual are:

formal recognition of what an Accounting Technician can do

  • a national qualification

  • pathways for career development, training and progression

  • greater confidence in their own skills and abilities

  • access to and support of a professional body

  • the opportunity to progress to chartered and certified accountancy bodies.

Q. What qualifications do I need to have to become a Student?

A. You don't need any qualifications but you will need to have a good standard of English and enjoy working with numbers and communicating with people.

Q. Do I have to start at the beginning of your Scheme if I already have some qualifications?

A. You may register at any stage but must gain accreditation at all stages if you wish to become a full Member of the AAT. There are a small number of recognised alternative routes to Membership. Details are in the Guide which is available from the AAT. Email us and ask for one.

Q. What is the AAT Education and Training scheme?

A. The AAT Education and Training scheme is the progression from Foundation Stage (NVQ Level 2) to Intermediate Stage (NVQ Level 3) to The Technician Stage (NVQ Level 4). The students have to successfully complete all the examinations and skills tests to be a certified Accounting Technician.

Q. What is the difference between the AAT Education and Training Scheme and the AAT Diploma in Accounting?

A. The AAT Education and Training scheme allows students to be designated as Accounting Technicians on successful completion of all the examinations and skills tests. The AAT Diploma in Accounting students have to successfully complete only the formal examinations and can be designated as Accounting Technicians after three years of relevant work experience.

Q. Can I get exemptions from some of the Scheme if I have previous experience or qualifications?

A. The Scheme is designed to be flexible, so you can start anywhere you choose. However, if you want to become a Member of the AAT, you will need to be accredited at all three Stages of the Scheme. Certain qualifications, such as an A Level in Accounting, or two A Levels in any other academic subject are recognised in place of part of the Education and Training Scheme for Membership purposes. Alternatively if you have appropriate and sufficient work experience in accounting, you may not need to complete the
Foundation Stage. See Alternative Routes to Membership for more details.

Q. How do I become a Member?

A. To become a Member of the AAT (MAAT), you will need to be accredited at all three stages of the Scheme, gain one year's relevant work experience or the part-time equivalent (which can be completed while you train), and apply for Membership of the Association.

Students who are 21 or over and who have four years' relevant work experience will be entitled to apply for Membership on completion of the Intermediate and Technician Stages.

Q. How do I find a job now that I have qualified/nearly qualified?

A. AAT qualified Accounting Technicians are much in demand by employers in public and private sector.

Q. Can I be self-employed and an AAT Student?

A. You can be self-employed carrying out accounting, taxation or related consultancy work whilst a registered AAT Student however, there are some conditions with which you must comply.

Q. Where can I get further information?

A. --Click here-- to download a PDF version of the study guide.

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