BSc (Hons)-IT354 - Database Design and Management

This unit consists of Database Sytems 1 & 2

Database Systems 1


  1. To develop further the skills needed to design a database.

  2. To provide an understanding of the theoretical foundations of databases in the business environment.

  3. To identify various data structures and models and to examine critically current implementations of database management systems.

  4. To consider those aspects of analysis and design particular to database systems development.


On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Design and build a relational database for a small business application from given user requirements.

  2. Use suitable query languages to interrogate a relational database.

  3. Demonstrate a knowledge of the theoretical underpinning of the relational model.

  4. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of other database paradigms.


The topics covered in this unit will include:

  1. Databases Concepts and Architectures- a brief description of hierarchical and network database models.

  2. The Relational Data Model- domains, tuples, attributes and relations, database schemas, relational algebra.

  3. Information Retrieval and Query Languages- further SQL, relational calculus, QUEL, QBE.

  4. Relational Database Systems Development- multi-valued and join dependencies, fourth and fifth normal form.

  5. Overview of Database Design Process- requirements collection, conceptual schema design, data model mapping, physical database design.


100% by Examination. It will be of 2 hours in duration and students should attempt 3 out of4 questions.



The topics will be introduced in lectures and developed through directed reading, exercises and, where appropriate, practical use of database systems.

Database Systems 2


  1. To understand how a DBMS processes and executes queries and to be able to optimise such queries.

  2. To examine yet further critically implementations of database management systems.

  3. To be able to control multiple transactions and to be able to recover from transaction failures.

  4. To identify the functions and procedures necessary for the management and control of database systems.


On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Optimise a database for commercial operation.

  2. Discuss data independence, quality control and recovery procedures.

  3. Identify possible problems in database systems and discuss how they may be alleviated or overcome.
  4. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages o emerging database paradigms.


The topics covered in this unit will include:

  1. Database System Implementation Techniques-query processing and optimisation; transaction, recovery and concurrency control; security and integrity constraints

  2. Current Trends in Database Systems- distributed database systems; object-oriented database systems; emerging database applications.


1. Examination (100%)-The examination will be of 2 hours in duration and students should attempt 3 out of 4 questions.



The topics will be introduced in lectures and developed through directed reading, exercises and, where appropriate, practical use of database systems.