BSc (Hons) - IT350 – Distributed Network Systems.

This unit presents a comprehensive study of all categories of network, network architectures and network design methodologies.


  1. To examine the function and structure of communications sub-nets, network architectures and their protocols.

  2. To evaluate the differing approaches to the organisation of sub-nets and their architectures.

  3. To develop an understanding of the processes of network and protocol design.

  4. To examine the role of network standards and their relationship to products.


On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Judge which subnet type, network components, architecture, protocols and network services to use in typical application contexts.

  2. Explain the importance of standards in networking, understand the principal standards in the field, and be able to discuss the goals addressed by the principal emerging standards.

  3. Appreciate the principal differing schools of thought concerning network design.

  4. Understand how contemporary developments in network technology will affect network use.

  5. Explain the operation of selected existing protocols.


The topics covered in this unit will include:

  1. Protocols-functions, design, implementation and testing.

  2. Line Sharing-principles and options.

  3. Architectures, Standards and Protocols-TCP OSI/IP, connectionless and connection-oriented protocols, protocol stacks.

  4. Wide Area Networks-X.25 packet switching principles, protocols and components, frame relay, cell switching, routing.

  5. Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Ethernet, token ring and FDDI-I and II, DQDB - principles and components.

  6. Internetworking-bridges and routers, Internet design and evolution.

  7. Network Design, Performance, Operation and Management-architecture, interoperability and open systems issues.

  8. Distributed Systems-client/server model, workstations, distributed operating systems, remote procedure call.

  9. Common Carrier Services.

  10. OSI Application Layer Service Elements-e.g. FTAM, virtual terminal protocol, X.400 message handling.

  11. Network Services and Applications-X.500 directory services, information retrieval, online transaction processing, electronic mail, conferencing and EDI.

  12. Integrated Data Networks-narrow band and broadband ISDN, and associated protocols (e.g. SS7, ATM), CTI.

  13. Security and Reliability of Networks-fault-tolerant and safety/mission critical systems, encryption, access control, network virus problems.


100% by Examination - 3 hour closed-book examination in 3 Sections.

Section A – mandatory short questions (usually 10).

Section B - Answer 1question from 2 (Lecturer 1).

Section C - Answer 1 question from 2 (Lecturer 2).