Introduction to Business Communication


  1. Use written English competently, accurately and appropriately in a variety of business communication scenarios.
  2. Present a variety of data unambiguously in both written and graphical form, bearing in mind the fundamental importance of neatness, clarity and accuracy.
  3. Understand the principles of business communication, and be able to use the most suitable medium in given situations.
  4. Appreciate what are the most common barriers to successful communication and how they can be overcome.
  5. Draft all the usual forms of business correspondence from given data.
  6. Understand and appreciate current developments in communications technology and the effect that they have on business.

Programme Content and Learning Objectives:

After completing the programme students should be able to:

1. Written English:

  • Accurate spelling and punctuation. Range of vocabulary, correctly used
  • Paragraphing
  • Appropriateness of tone. Neatness

2. Correspondence:

  • Letters, memos, advertisements. Addresses, headings, salutations
  • Clarity in describing any situation
  • Clarity in stating requests, opinions, etc.
  • Common abbreviations. Presentation

3. Principles of Communication:

  • Structures within an organisation
  • Purpose of communication
  • Appropriate channels
  • Spoken and written
  • Barriers and how to overcome them
  • Technical terms
  • Presentation of self 

4. Communications Technology:

  • Computers and associated technology
  • Use of satellites
  • Telephones, pagers, networks
  • Awareness of its effect on business
  • Applications of technology

5. Graphs:

  • Line graphs, histograms, pie charts
  • Neatness and accuracy
  • Clear labelling
  • Use of colour
  • Identifying trends from data

Method of Assessment:

By written examination. The pass mark is 40%. Time allowed 3 hours.

The question paper will contain:

Two sections containing a total of eight questions of which five must be answered. At least three questions must be answered from Section A. The questions in Section A require longer written answers than those in Section B. All questions carry 20 marks.