Management Organisation


  1. Understand organisation principles and design, influences and differences in style and structure, comparative analysis, and the wider aspects of the organisation environment.
  2. Understand organisation theories and relevance, and their interpretation within the operational context of organisations.
  3. Understand the nature and purpose of organisation goals and how they are integrated into organisational activity, organisation processes and controls. The cultural context of organisations.
  4. Understand the impetus for organisation change, change as an integral part of the organisation system, the process of planned change.
  5. Understand organisation development and processes, the nature of organisational effectiveness and the criteria for evaluating success.

Programme Content and Learning Objectives:

After completing the programme students should be able to:

1. Explain the key elements of organisational structure and design, recognise the factors which influence organisation design, describe alternative structures and design, and understand the difference between organic and mechanistic organisations.

2. Recognise the links between strategy and design, and understand the nature of organisation bureaucracy, formal and informal organisation, size and life cycle, and the impact of technology.

3. Understand the differing nature of organisation environments - both internal and external -be able to analyse the environment as it relates to their own organisation, recognise the range of influences and uncertainty within the environment.

4. Understand the nature and relevance of organisation theories, relate theories to organisational types, size and activities, compare and contrast different theories, understand the contingency approach to organisations.

5. Explain the concept and purpose of mission statements, define organisation goals and explain

differences in goals, understand how goals affect organisational performance, define and plan strategies to achieve organisational goals.

6. Understand the meaning and nature of comparative analysis, choose an appropriate framework for analysis and carry out a comparative analysis of organisations and management practices.

7. Understand the importance of organisational processes in achieving organisational effectiveness, and use appropriate techniques in planning, delegation, decision making and control in meeting organisation goals.

8. Explain the nature of organisational change and distinguish change from innovation, identify

and analyse the influences and pressures for change in organisations, identify relevant techniques in planning change, and understand how managers direct the change processes.

9. Explain the meaning and the main features of organisation development, recognise the importance of planned strategies rather than reactive strategies, understand the nature and importance of organisation culture.

10. Understand the importance of organisational social responsibility, explain the major perspectives on social responsibility, assess the relevance and benefits of corporate social responsibility, monitor social demands and explain the relevance of managerial ethics within social responsibility.

Method of Assessment:

By written examination. The pass mark is 50%. Time allowed 3 hours.

The question paper will contain:

Eight questions of which four questions must be answered.