Important Dates  for students wishing to sit the ABE examinations: 

Date Event
Friday 3rd September 2004 Registration closing date for new members
Friday 1st October 2004 Examination closing date.
Entries received after this date will be charged an extra GBP10.00 per subject
Friday 8th October 2004 Final Examination closing date
Entries received after this date will be rejected and returned together with fees
Early November 2004 Case Studies posted on the web and despatched to students.
Early November 2004 Notification Slips despatched to all students
Monday 8th November 2004 Closing date for transfers
29th November - 3rd December 2004 Examinations take place
Monday 20th December 2004 Final date for receipt of medical transfers
Early-Mid February 2005 Results will be released
6th June - 10th June 2005 June 2005 Examinations
28th November - 2nd December 2005 December 2005 Examinations

Examination Procedures

Examinations are held twice a year (start first week in June and December). The examination timetable is given ---here---

The Controlling Bodies are the Ministry of Education of any country or a body appointed by the Ministry, the British Council, or a body authorised by the ABE Education Committee.

The Controlling Body takes responsibility for the administration of ABE examinations including receipt and security of examination papers, conducting examinations, invigilating, collection and despatch of scripts.

ABE has examination centres worldwide which are independent of any Institution running ABE programmes. These centres are of the highest standard and comply with ABE requirements in terms of accommodation facilities and access. All centres are approved by the Controlling Bodies appointed by ABE.

There is no limit on the number of subjects candidates may enter but it is recommended that candidates sit no more than five subjects at one sitting.


1. Candidates who wish to transfer an examination entry to the next series may do so up to 21 DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF EXAMINATIONS subject to payment of a transfer fee of £10.

2. Once a transfer has been accepted the subjects must be taken at the next examination series. The transfer cannot apply to any other subjects.

Non Attendance

1. Should a candidate fail to attend an examination or withdraw AFTER the closing date, the examination fee is forfeit. (Except for reasons of illness.)

2. In the event of illness, upon receipt of a Doctor’s Certificate and transfer fee of £10 within 21 days of the examination session, the subjects will be transferred to the next examination series. Transfers will not be accepted without payment of the £10 fee.

Conduct during examinations


2. Candidates who break ABE regulations or commit any malpractice during an examination will be disqualified from the examinations and all their scripts from that session will be void. Repeated misconduct will lead to termination of membership of the Association.

Results Notification :

1 Candidates will be notified individually of their results as soon as possible, normally about two months after the examinations. The decision of the ABE Council is final. The Council will not enter into any correspondence regarding the results.

2. Examination results will not be issued to a candidate who owes any money to the Association.


1. Successful candidates will be awarded a graded pass in each subject. Credits or Distinctions will be awarded where applicable. All results slips show alphabetical grades; it is not the policy of the Association to disclose marks obtained. Candidates should consult Syllabus Handbooks for further details of grades.

2. Candidates will be allowed to resit any subject which they have failed but not subjects that they have passed.